Orkla Health Ocean

For the value of marine raw materials, sustainable oceans and for the persistence of living coastal communities

Our philosophy

Illustrasojon av en lyspære

Innovation and development

We enhance the quality and potential of raw materials by always developing, always aiming to innovate. 

Illustrasjon av et hode med en hjerne

Competence development

Our company is built on experience and knowledge for future solutions. 

Illustrasjon av en fisk og tang

Sustainability and environment

We care for the coast, for nature and the ocean and its raw materials.

Orkla Health Ocean – high quality raw material since 2005

Orkla Health Oceam process residual marine raw material from white fish industries into marine oil and marine proteins for both national and international markets. We buy and receive different fractions of residual raw material from fish landings all over Northern Norway. For Orkla Health Ocean the residual raw materials is pure value.

Orkla Health Ocean was established by Geir Olsen in 2005. Olsen has a master degree in Science in International Fishery Management and has many years of experience from working with marine industries, processing and marine technology. In 2016 Geir Olsen established Orkla Health Ocean, which later became the daughter company of Orkla Health Ocean. In cooperation with the local company Biomar Orkla Health Ocean has developed the technology for processing marine proteins.

The parent and daughter company share the same staff, today consisting of 8 employees holding a broad field of expertise and experience from fishery, marine science, processing industries and marine technology. The processing of high quality marine oil and marine proteins is carried out by a high capacity, energy efficient and sustainable production. In addition the company built av a new factory for fish silage in 2019.

Orkla Health Ocean is located at Myre in Vesterålen.

Logo Vesterålen Marine Olje AS

Competitive prices

Orkla Health Ocean accept all fractions of residual raw materials all year-round and also have our own production of marine oils and marine proteins, products sold and exported both in national and international markets. This makes us able to offer good and competitive prices for our suppliers, partners and buyers.

Staff members

Stian Frivåg


Svein Egil Stavem

Sales manager

Geir Olsen

Head of technical division

Lena Carlsen

Quality manager

Fredrik Stoltz

Production manager

Tor Antonsen

Controller / Logistics

Knut Are Iversen


Andreea Pana

Production operator

High quality staff – high quality raw materials


Arctic cod

Our partners and suppliers, the producers of the finest fish filets and dry fish in the region sell their residual raw material to us. This residual material is a highly valuable resource with great potential. 


Year-round production

The white fish season lasts from february through april and the residual raw material from this season is fully utilized in a year-round production. Our company aim to create and maintain year-round working places for people and for sustainable living coastal communities.


Competitive prices

Orkla Health Ocean accept all fractions of residual raw materials all year-round and also have our own production of marine oils and marine proteins, products sold and exported both in national and international markets. This makes us able to offer good and competitive prices for our suppliers, partners and buyers.

Gruppebilde av alle ansatte

year since the start

Tons marine oil produced in 2020
