Science and development
Competence for the future
Regarding marine residual raw materials as a highly valuable resource is an increasingly common view within the field of marine industries and marine science. By meeting resonance for our work in this field, Orkla Health Ocean continue to expand our expertise and experience through dialogue and cooperation with the fisheries, marine science, processing industries and marine technology.

It is important for Orkla Health Ocean to be in line with the development within the marine science and research. The cooperation and close dialogue with Sintef, Nofima, Nord University and University of Tromsø brings many important perspectives to our table. Over the years many students have made visits at Orkla Health Ocean as part of their research for their thesises. The dialogue with students and the research and perspectives they bring forward is highly beneficial for both our company and the future marine industries.
Other development areas
Sustainability: The valuable food chain
The true drive behind everything Orkla Health Ocean do is our engagement in creating value, growth and sustainability throughout the industry chain.
Future-oriented and innovative
Orkla Health Ocean is constantly growing and expanding – simply because the marine industry, technology and science is constantly evolving.